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Setting boundaries and saying no...

Writer's picture: Eden SanchezEden Sanchez

Hey there,

I hope you all had a chance to read my last insta post about the liberating art of saying 'no.' It's a small word, but it holds immense power. You see, you're allowed to say no and set your boundaries. You don't have to do anything that doesn't align with your values, and you certainly don't need to justify yourself with a litany of excuses. A simple, firm 'NO, THANK YOU!' can do wonders.

But here's the thing, there are a couple of aspects related to this topic that I really want you to mull over.

1) People Don't Always Like Hearing No: When you start asserting your boundaries, not everyone is going to be thrilled about it. I remember when I first began my journey towards self-prioritization. I started saying no to numerous social events. And guess what? Some people didn't like it. I could feel the disappointment, and sure enough, the invitations started dwindling. But here’s the beauty of it – I was perfectly fine with that. Why? Because I was stepping away from situations that didn't nurture my well-being, places where I didn't feel authentic. It was a choice I made to align my actions with the person I aspired to be.

2) The 'No' Dilemma: Fear vs. Self-Care: It's essential to discern why you're uttering that powerful little word. Are you saying no because you're scared? Fear of judgment, fear of not fitting in? If that's the case, it's time to address those self-esteem issues head-on. On the flip side, if you're declining because you're honoring your need for self-care, wanting to spend quality time with your family, or simply craving a quiet night in, then by all means, embrace that 'no' with open arms.

I encourage you, as you read these words, take a moment to pause and reflect. This is more than just an encouragement to say 'no.' It's a challenge to understand yourself better, to delve into the reasons behind your decisions. I believe in your ability to navigate this journey of self-discovery and self-care.

And always remember, I'm here if you need more guidance or support. We're in this together.

With love, Eden xx

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