I recently shared a social media post about something that's been a significant part of my journey: jealousy. It's not an easy topic for me to talk about because it makes me feel incredibly vulnerable. But if sharing my experience can help even one woman feel less alone, then it's worth it.
Jealousy consumed me, especially when my self-esteem was at its lowest. I was constantly worried that my then-boyfriend, now husband, would cheat on me. Thoughts like, 'What if he finds someone else attractive?' or 'What if he falls in love with someone at work?' haunted my mind. It was all-consuming, fueled by my feelings of unworthiness and societal beauty standards.
So, how did I overcome it? I decided to work on myself. I challenged my negative self-talk and realized that my jealousy was rooted in a need for control. I thought I could control his actions and feelings, but the truth hit me: I can't control anyone else. Realizing this lifted a huge weight off my shoulders. I started to trust that what will be, will be. Through consistent effort, I learned my true worth. I began to think, 'Why would he cheat? I'm amazing! And if he does, he's not the person I want to be with anyway.' This change in mindset transformed my perspective instantly.
Our thoughts shape our actions. Understanding this, I equipped myself with tools to break free from the cycle whenever I felt vulnerable, especially during those challenging days around my period.
I want the same for you. I want you to recognize your worth, to embrace who you are fully. I want you to be so comfortable in your own skin that you don't need a partner to complete you because, let me tell you, you are incredible just as you are.
This is why I share my story, why I do what I do. I want to be here for you, to remind you of your strength and beauty. You don't have to face this journey alone; I'm right here with you.
With love and unwavering support,
Eden xx