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Common Coping Mechanisms You Don't Realise You’re Using.

Writer's picture: Eden SanchezEden Sanchez

You might not realise that low self-worth is your issue. And it's sO important to recognise what might be causing you to feel the way you do. It took me years of working on myself to realise what the root of my issues were, and I want to help you get there a lot quicker, so that you can make a big fat change!

Right now you might just know that you're not happy, and you don't feel good in yourself, but you can't really explain it.

So these are the things you might be doing to help you feel better about yourself, but aren't actually going to make any real lasting changes to your happiness...

👉 Seeking external validation:

-posting on social media for likes and comments

-overworking to seek praise (could be at work)

👉 Escapism:

-binging Netflix

-excessive scrolling

-substance use

👉 People pleasing

-over-committing yourself

-saying yes to everyone at the detriment to yourself

-going out of your way to avoid conflict

👉 Perfectionism

-Having high standards

-setting unrealistic goals

-everything feeling like it has to be perfect

👉 Negative self-talk & self-sabotage

-criticising yourself which sends you down a forever repeating cycle

-stopping yourself from doing things you know will be good for you

👉 Avoidance

-avoiding doing something because of fear of failure

-avoiding social situations because of fear of judgement

-neglecting self-care

👉 Overcompensating Behaviours

-shopping/buying things to temporarily improve mood


If you relate to any of these, then self-worth & confidence might be your issue, and that's ok! It is a BLESSING when we realise what our issue is, because it means we have a starting point we can move forward from. And it's important we use REAL strategies that focus on our internal worth, rather than trying to change external factors.

I have a free 2 minute quiz that you can take to help you get more clarity if you should work on your self-relationship. Curious? Have 2 mins? Take the quiz!

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