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Masculine and Feminine Energy

Updated: Jun 14, 2023

Have you ever noticed the different between your masculine and feminine energies?

Do they feel balanced?

Does one feel more dominant that the other?

Are you more in one energy depending on the situation?

This is something that I have thought a lot about recently. I went on a yoga festival retreat and felt like I spent the whole weekend so open, connected to myself and willing to be vulnerable.

I've realized that I have spent a long time in my masculine energy. I always felt like this was because I grew up with a lot of males in my family, and I tried to fit in through playing rough, getting involved with sport, and making them laugh.

But through the festival weekend, I had a realization that the women in my family are also more in the masculine. And actually, a lot of the people in my life, outside of the yoga world, and some in, lead with their masculine.

I'm not saying there is anything wrong with this. But I find it SO interesting!

To me, leading with your masculine energy, means to be guarded, hold myself a certain way to look confident or strong, be more logical and businesslike, and not allowing myself to be open or vulnerable. Don't get me wrong, there is a place for this, and we need both energies. But I now know, I lead with the masculine, and I fuc*ing love being in the feminine; being vulnerable, connecting to my mind and body, feeling free, sharing and connecting with other women in an open way.

It is like I have had this HUGE awakening, and I am so totally here for it!

I'm prioritizing feeling into my feminine.

Is this resonating with you? I so want to hear your thoughts, so please share!

Love and light,

Eden x

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